A day in the life of a nurse

Friday, October 06, 2006

Al Gore or Me?

I received a message titled ping today and this term is now pinging around in my head. I was trying to remember what computers do back when you ping them- I believe they ping you back, but it's been a while since I have used a program that involved that. Probably a year ago and it was a file sharing program. One that is not so user friendly, until you learn how to use it. Wouldn't be a problem for some you, but for those of us who briefly used DOS in the sixth grade and were quickly weaned to windows- it tries me to tell my computer what to do. c://run...ring any bells? Al Gore may claim that he invented the internet, but I might try and claim that I invented cyber sex....or at least "had" it with my long distance college boyfriend before there was a term for it. Go way, way back to summer of 1992 and put me in the University of Utah library typing away to said boyfriend in the land of Lambda Moo. At the start of my lunch break I actually googled this term- believing I might see some historical info and was totally surprised and SHOCKED to see that this MUD program actually still exists. HOLY COW! 14 years later- I wish I could remember what my screen name was. All I remember is that I was one of the few girls on this site and I had lots of cool weapons and stuff. The fact that I had XY chromosomes afforded me many favors from my fellow MOOers. This virtual word is text base- no pictures, yet you get lots of descriptions of the things and people around you. You are able to tell the computer what you want to do or where you want to go with prompt commands. However, I basically used the site as a chat room with my boyfriend rather than running up the telephone bill. There were lots of, "Hey what are you wearing/doing/thinking" comments flung between Utah and Massachusetts. I fondly remember many, many hours spent in the library.(My parents and husband are going to love this story.) Hence my prior claim. I can promise you that sometime this weekend you will find me sniffing around the site trying to find my old user name....


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